
Jordanian Medical Council Certificate Regulations (Jordanian Board)
Section (1)
These Instructions shall be called the Jordanian Medical Council Examination Instructions (Jordanian Board) No. (1) for the year 2014 and shall be effective from 1/2/2014.
Section (2)
The terms and expressions given in these instructions shall have the meanings assigned to them below unless the context indicates otherwise.
- Council: Jordan Medical Council.
- Medical Council Certificate: The certificate granted by the Council in accordance with the provisions of the law after meeting the requirements of the Board and passing the scheduled exam.
- Graduate Studies Committee: Graduate Studies Committee formed by the Council's Law.
- Specialized scientific committee: Scientific committee for each specialty of medical specialties formed in accordance with the provisions of the law and instructions of the Council.
- Sub-committee: The committee formed by the Council with the recommendation of the Graduate Studies Committee after assigning the names of the members of this committee by the specialized scientific committee to carry out the tasks entrusted to it by the specialized scientific committee.
- Advisory Committee: The committee formed by the Council by the recommendation of the Graduate Studies Committee of any specialty when there is no sufficient number of specialists to form a specialized scientific committee.
- Examinations Committee: The committee formed by the Council with the recommendation of the Graduate Studies Committee after the names of its members are assigned by the specialized scientific or advisory committee.
- Examination: The examination that the council decides to conduct for the candidates of the Jordanian Medical Council and the Council has the right to designate the place and time of it.
- Physician: Physician and dentist.
- Applicant: a doctor who is accepted by the specialized scientific or advisory committee to enter the exam.
- Training year: A period of not less than 12 months, after which the doctor is trained after obtaining his bachelor’s degree in an accredited hospital by the medical council for training purposes. The training period is accepted (if it is started before the doctor holds the bachelor certificate) if it is within the program of medical colleges with a minimum of 6 years of medical study or the equivalent and in the case of dentistry, the study shall not be less than five years.
Section (3)
Applicants applying for the internship exam shall be required to comply with all the requirements of the training instructions approved by the Medical Council at its 6th session on 14/7/1997.
Section (4)
Applicants applying for the Jordanian Medical Council exam (Jordanian Board) are required to comply with all the requirements of the local training instructions issued by Medical Council Decision No. (38) dated 31/10/1994 if the applicant is trained inside Jordan.
Section (5)
If the applicant's training was outside Jordan, the following instructions will be applied:
• The doctor must apply for the form designated by the Jordanian Medical Council, and he must attach to this application the documents listed below duly certified.
- A valid Copy of his passport or.
- A copy transcript of his high school diploma or its equivalent.
- A copy of the bachelor medical certificate.
- A copy for his internship certificate or a copy for a certificate that proves that he passed the internship exam.
- A copy of the certificate of specialization, and it must be compatible with the requirements and instructions of the Council.
- A document from the General Secretariat of the Arab Council for Medical Specialties stating that the candidate is eligible to enter the final exam of the Arab Council certificate, if his training in the Arab countries is in accordance with the instructions and training program of the Council.
- A document showing the programmed and continuous training years that the doctor has done during the training in the specialization, including the departments in which he has been trained and the periods spent in each department, and with regard to the specialties related to the surgery, The applicant must show a certified document about the number of operations he has performed or assisted in if the training program is outside the Arab countries.
- Three personal photos.
- Paying the prescribed fees for submitting the application.
- paying the fees to enter the exam.
Written Examination of the Jordanian Medical Council (Jordanian Board).
Section (6)
- The written examination is conducted in the basic medical sciences in relation to the specialty.
- Written exam consists of multiple-choice questions (MCQs).
- The questions should not be less than 100 questions per sheet of each specialty.
- Exam duration is two hours.
- The exam answers will be corrected as the typical answers determined by the Jordanian Medical Council.
- The General Secretariat of the Medical Council supervises the correction of the examinations and analysis of the results by computer with the presence of the Chairman of the Scientific Committee and another member of the Scientific Committee.
- Doctor will be Successful in the written exam if he gets 60%.
- The specialized scientific committees Accredits the results of the examination in each specialization after the results being extracted from the computer then reviewed, studied, and agreed upon before the names of the students are known.
- The names shall be reviewed by the Secretariat in the presence of the specialized scientific committee.
Oral and Clinical Exam
Section (7)
- The committees in the oral and clinical examination or the equivalent thereof shall be formed by the specialized scientific committees, these committees shall be legal after being submitted to the Graduate Studies Committee and approved by the Jordanian Medical Council.
- Each exam committee is composed of 3 members.
- The forms prescribed by the Jordanian Medical Council shall be used for the results of the examination, and no any other written results shall be accepted.
- Each examiner of the three members of the Committee shall place his mark on the prescribed form.
- The names of the examiners and their signatures must be clearly written on the examiner's form.
- The examination committee members shall agree on the exam mark. In case of difference, the average marks of the three examiners shall be taken.
- In case that the applicant does not succeed in the exam, the reasons for not being successful by the committee shall be written on the scheduled exam form and in clear line when the committee members agree on the result.
Section (8)
- The Jordanian Medical Council (Jordan Board) exam is held twice a year, during February and August, and the registration is closed three weeks before the start of the examinations, provided that the number of applicants is not less than three, otherwise it is held once a year.
- The Jordanian Medical Council exam consists of two sections: the first is written, and the second is clinical and oral.
- If the Graduate Studies Committee approves the results of the examination, these results shall be submitted to the Medical Council with appropriate placement.
- Any member of the Board committees, including the Graduate Studies Committee, shall not disclose any information related to the exam or its results before the Medical Council has approved it.
- The results of the examinations shall be approved by the Medical Council within two weeks of the date of submission to it by the Graduate Studies Committee.
- The council’s decision on the results of the examinations is final.
- The results of the examination shall be announced in the manner decided by the council.
- These instructions are repealed by all provisions that are inconsistent with them in any previous instructions or decisions.
The question preparation process and forming the examination committees
In accordance with the aforementioned mandate, the Committee decided to discuss the process for setting up the questions and forming the committees as follows:
First: The Scientific Committee shall select the examiners nominated by the institutions of the medical sectors in the Kingdom, provided that the number of candidates from each sector shall not be less than 6 examiners (clinical exam)
Second: The written examination committee appointed by the scientific committee and it may employ those who meet the conditions that must be met by the examiners.
Third: The establishment of a bank of questions that is expanded permanently by experts in the field of specialization and are discussed in terms of difficulty and subject before being deposited in the bank by the scientific committee of the specialty.
Fourth: A hundred questions for each session shall be chosen by the Chairman of the Scientific Committee.
Fifth: The questions are put to cover all topics, taking into account their importance for the specialty.
Sixth: Questions are discussed and approved in the building of the Jordanian Medical Council.